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  • Dillon Slagle

The Future of Our Future

The Ringer - August 29th, 2018

Pickathon is probably one of the most unique musical experiences one might find in a lifetime. Unlike other festivals such as Lallapalooza or Bonnaroo, Pickathon seems akin to a fairy-tale land from a children’s book. However, the enchanting nature of this bohemian music festival is not what separates it from the rest. Pickathon is rigged and covered in camera crews, designated to convert the festival into an immersive digital experience. The festival can then is released in small increments throughout the year to anyone with an internet connection. As a result, the festival can be experienced not only from the hills and forests of Oregon, but also from your office computer screen or bedroom TV. Through this process, Pickathon is preserving the vitality of music festivals in a declining market. Is this kind of content something to be expected in the future of music festivals, or is Pickathon an anomaly of the present day? Perhaps this is a small window of opportunity for festivals to flourish.

TechCrunch - August 29th, 2018

Sonos is about to cater to a eater audience of audiophiles with its new release, the Sonos Amp. This amp is an improvement to its older model and will allow users the ability to link their standard home speakers with newer Sonos technology. Furthermore, the company is joining forces with Sonance to offer in-ceiling, in-wall and outdoor versions. The system is more robust than other models, which allows customers to customize their audio experience. It seems that Sonos has both the past and the future in mind when designing its cutting edge products.

Stereogum - August 29th, 2018

The information age has revealed a new realm of possibilities for distribution, collaboration and creativity. Some great examples of how today’s platforms, specifically Twitch, are changing the way we produce and create media is shown by rappers, YBN Nahmir and Danny Brown. Nahmir, just 18 years old, became famous from freestyle rapping and playing GTA simultaneously on Twitch. As a result, Nahmir made connections and learned information that allowed him to develop his unique style. On the other hand, Danny Brown, used the platform to play unreleased music to his fan base. If rappers can release their content on Twitch, than why shouldn’t other musicians, companies, brands and businesses do the same? This serves as a testament to how the medium can offer unique content that is not accessible anywhere else.

TechCrunch - August 29th, 2018

Is Spotify falling behind? According to this article by TechCrunch, Spotify seems to be lagging in its responsibility to preview a list of full song lyrics while streaming. Other platforms such as Apple Music and Amazon music already offer the capability to view and read lyrics while listening. In fact, one can search for a song via its lyrics using Alexa. However, Spotify’s lyric campaign is still in its infancy and is currently only being tested in Japan. Will Spotify be consumed by the blistering pace of its competitors or will it find a way to put a unique twist on these emerging features?

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